Headshots vs Promotional Portraits


While a headshot is technically a portrait (a picture of a person), it has a very specific set of parameters and purpose.

The focus is the face. It should allow you to both identify the subject's identity, as well as connect the subject with the viewer on an intriguing or emotional level.

Model: Sarah Dumovich


Often used for commercial and promotional purposes, a portrait will incorporate posing, body language, and physical architecture.

A portrait is used to create branding or message through imagery. Often considered "editorial," to accompany a marketing campaign, a portfolio, or promotional material/website.

Model: Sarah Dumovich

Headshot: Kate Lindsey (opera singer/actor)

Promotional Portrait

Headshot: Freddie Balentine (opera singer)

Promotional portrait

Michael Colman (opera singer/model) - headshot

Promotional portrait

Jasmine Habersham (opera singer/actor) - promo portrait


Headshot: Kelly Griffin (opera singer/actor)

Promotional Portrait

Promotional portrait: Luis Chapa (opera singer)


Headshot: Carla Stickler (Broadway actor/singer)

Promotional portrait: commercial

Headshot: Shannon Jennings (opera singer)

Promotional portrait

Headshot: Sharra Wagner (classical insturmentalist)

Promotional portrait



Samantha Hankey

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